Boys Invade Bingin
We went to check Ulu in the morning, but it wasn't looking too hot. The same funky sideshore winds that have been blowing the past few days were still on it and it was pretty crowded as well. Garut called us up and told us to come meet him down at Bingin for a wave. Right when we pulled up we saw Garut destroying a set wave. This had all the boys frothing, but Bruno and Dean were starving and had to get some mie goreng in them to fuel up first. Pablo, meanwhile, was smart enough to already eat a little brekkie, and was out there with just eight others. While the boys slurped their noodles, Pablo was hacking the tops off of the racing walls on his backside.
“The waves were really nice and not crowded,” Pablo said. “The boys were telling me the tide wasn't perfect yet, but it was my first time at Bingin, so I said why not go out.”
When the tide got perfect, everybody came out. The swell was dropping and sets were getting rarer, but there were still some barrels to be had. As we were leaving, Koa Smith showed up. We stuck around and had a couple Bintags and watched Koa get three nice little barrels in a row.
We went to check Ulu in the morning, but it wasn't looking too hot. The same funky sideshore winds that have been blowing the past few days were still on it and it was pretty crowded as well. Garut called us up and told us to come meet him down at Bingin for a wave. Right when we pulled up we saw Garut destroying a set wave. This had all the boys frothing, but Bruno and Dean were starving and had to get some mie goreng in them to fuel up first. Pablo, meanwhile, was smart enough to already eat a little brekkie, and was out there with just eight others. While the boys slurped their noodles, Pablo was hacking the tops off of the racing walls on his backside.
“The waves were really nice and not crowded,” Pablo said. “The boys were telling me the tide wasn't perfect yet, but it was my first time at Bingin, so I said why not go out.”
When the tide got perfect, everybody came out. The swell was dropping and sets were getting rarer, but there were still some barrels to be had. As we were leaving, Koa Smith showed up. We stuck around and had a couple Bintags and watched Koa get three nice little barrels in a row.